
Songs of the day: 

Gone Baby, Don’t Be Long - Erykah Badu

Moonlite (Duality/Detroit Live Version) - Ian Finkelstein

Les Brers In A Minor - Allman Brothers Band 

Today starts unofficially around 6:50 am: getting up momentarily to feed Lisa (cat), and then back to bed until 8:30ish. 

I have breakfast plans with friends at 10:30, but one of them, Rennia, has texted to push back a half an hour. She’s on an “unexpected birding outing.” I shouldn’t be surprised. Rennia is, effortlessly, one of the most multifaceted people I know. One week she’s in sewing classes, next week taekwondo. 

I should spend less time envying her recreational ambitions and more time chasing my own, but instead I lay back and scroll instagram with Bob (boyfriend) until 9:50. This is the latest I can wait to get into the shower without being late to breakfast, although I probably will be anyway. 

Yes, I was late. Arriving at Mighty Bread around 11:10, Molly and Rennia already in line.

Rennia scopes out a table while Molly and I wait to order at the counter. Quiche, a Turkey Confit Hoagie, and a Scrambled Platter with Turkey Sausage. Two iced coffees and one hot drip.

Breakfast conversation is composed of: recapping dating endeavors, summarizing recent doctors appointments, and recounting online tarot card readings. 

After breakfast we head to Rennia’s old apartment to pick up an office chair she had delivered there before her move to the house she recently purchased in Point Breeze. It’s clunky and difficult to carry, but we squeeze it into the back seat of my car and drop it at her place before heading to the Ulta at Columbus Crossing Plaza. 

We all mosey Ulta for the next half hour, sampling lip colors and waffling over tinted moisturizers. Then we move on to TJ Maxx, where Molly scores an LED Hello Kitty compact so she can stop using her front-facing camera to apply lip liner. After TJ Maxx is Old Navy, where none of us quite find what we’re looking for. 

In between stores and changing rooms we discuss: driving cars, home renovations, the Chamber of Commerce, and birth control. Among other things. 

By the time I drop the girls off at their respective dwellings it’s already 4 pm and starting to drizzle. 

I come home to a relatively tidied house. One thing about Bob is that if I leave the house for long enough he will get bored and clean. It’s one of his many perks. I can’t say that the same would happen if he left me at home for several hours. 

We are both hungry, so we order Redcrest even though we’re supposed to go to dinner at A Mano in Fairmount at 7:30. Bob’s birthday was last weekend, but he chipped his front tooth eating a piece of deli ham (it’s a long story) that Friday night, so we had to change our reservation until he could get it fixed. For now, he has temporaries until he can get an actual crown on April 28th. 

Around 7 pm we call our Uber. So far the drizzles have been off and on. The whole Redcrest before dinner thing was definitely ill advised because as we sit down in the crowded restaurant, we both admit that we’re not really hungry and are actually pretty tired. Still, we both manage to get through 3 courses and an entire bottle of red wine (Jolie Laide ‘Glou d’Etat’). Burrata, rigatoni bolognese, and tiramisu for Bob. Marinated beets, lemon ricotta ravioli in pomodoro, and pannacotta for me. 

Dinner conversation includes: wondering if one of the chefs on the line is an old coworker of mine, the upcoming weddings of a few friends and family members, sports betting, and how full we are. 

Our Uber picks us up to head home around 9 pm. It’s raining. 

After watching a couple episodes of Scrubs, I am in bed by 11 pm. Bob is still down stairs watching college basketball on his phone. I will scroll reels on instagram until he comes upstairs around 1:30am and we say good night. 

Aislinn is a sad waitress masquerading as an administrative assistant. She lives in South Philly with boyfriend Bob and cat Lisa. Sometimes she still picks up a brunch shift… just to feel something.



