Connor “Cool Mama” Ranft


  • see red. I never turned my Cync light off last night because Alexa wasn’t working

  • feel warmth

  • hear the westbound el


  • see brightness

  • smell nothing. My allergies are the worst at this time

  • hear my boyfriend’s alarm


  • see lots of emails to catch up on from being off work for a bit

  • feel soil under my feet. My cat knocked over a plant last night.

  • hear sports podcasters from my roommate’s phone speaker. “The interception he threw, I had mixed feelings about it.” “It was definitely a miscommunication.”


  • feel soreness from working in my studio last night

  • taste leftover golabki from mom-moms x carbon copy. so so tasty. I have to eat it standing up or else my cat will grab it right off of my fork.

  • smell construction dust and smoke from the wood-fire stove at a neighborhood Polish restaurant. I could use some water.


  • see too much blue light

  • taste an iced latte

  • hear an aspiring author explain the publishing industry to her coffee shop companion. She’s salty that Colleen Hoover has had so much success despite being a “bad” writer. This is not a career for me.


  • see the bottom of my unread emails. The last one is a newsletter from Horn Farm. Maybe I’ll register for one of their workshops.

  • feel that the soreness has transformed into stiff pain in my lower back. I should do some yoga.

  • hear chill beats out of the coffeeshop speakers. I forgot to bring my headphones.


  • see spreadsheets. This is not an interesting thing to share about my day in Philly, but it is my daily reality. Today I am summarizing data on trails built, trees planted, acres of land improved, etc, for my organization’s fiscal year reports.

  • taste another latte. This time decaf. This time hot (the AC is very strong).

  • hear information I probably should not be hearing. My new coffee shop next-table-neighbor is on a meeting about their company’s plans.


  • see kids walking home from school. The crossing guard greets me.

  • taste leftover Loco Pez

  • smell laundry detergent


  • feel unfocused. Stopped work early to nap and reset. Will probably try to work again this evening.

  • see the back of my eyelids

  • hear Elvis Presley on the Alexa


  • see police activity on Frankford Ave. One side of the street is blocked.

  • feel annoyed at myself for forgetting to bring my drill to the studio. Should I drive back and get it or work on something else? It doesn’t really matter. I’ll get to it all eventually.

  • hear dad on the phone. I try to call him every Tuesday.


  • see a dead mouse

  • feel pain. Stubbed my toe as I was moving an easel around in the studio.

  • hear the box fan in the window


  • see the sun setting. I should start heading home soon.

  • hear “Love Shack” on the IGA speakers

  • feel all of the mangos in the hope that one is ripe. None are.


  • feel dirt on the floor. I still haven’t cleaned that up.

  • taste Dietz & Watson buffalo chicken slices on garlic bread. I’m ravenous and hangry.

  • hear the Phillies game on the TV downstairs


  • see more spreadsheets and emails

  • smell artificial strawberry flavoring? I’m not sure where that’s coming from, but it’s making me wish I bought some candy while I was out.

  • hear Jackson and Bella bicker over the phone


  • see Midnight Cowboy. I’ll probably fall asleep to this. Goodnight!


Pat Donoghue


Thomas Choinacky