
6:15 up to go to the bathroom. cat doesn’t scream at me (a surprise)

6:20 remember I need a mattress bag for trash day. scour Amazon to see if any can arrive today. leave Amazon defeated and return to sleep

744 alarm. Absolutely not. Back bed

7:59 wake up again just in time for 8am meeting. In bed. 

8:58 freedom! Time to get dressed and get up. though the dog seems to disagree with that plan. Meanwhile cat is SCREAMING for breakfast (she doesn’t get fed until now every day. She just never learns)

9:27 calling my friend to discuss her travel plans to get here today! gotta avoid all the hurricane rain

9:30 dog walk. why are there so many chicken bones on the sidewalk. Oliver is an expert at sniffing out street food and I’m tired

9:42 feed the creatures!

9:44 remember to take my meds

9:45 morning cereal. always cheerios.

9:55 work work work work work work

12:30 lunch time! caprese salad and hot dogs and mac and cheese (girl lunch?)

1:01 eating! watching “When The Levees Broke” as I hyperfixate on hurricane news. Gotta use the interest to learn something!

1:05 I used a different butter in the macaroni this time and it tastes so strange? I thought I wasn’t picky about butter but apparently I am now

2:13 calling some folks to fix a stolen package rip

2:15 oh my god this hold music might blow my eardrums

2:21 a human! success!

2:25 we’re discussing the hurricane now (she’s in NC) while we wait on the manager. built in non-political current events small talk for the win!

2:28 we did it joe! 

2:29 realizing I should call my grandfather outside of Tampa and check on him

2:29 calling grandpa

2:44 started the dishwasher

2:46 situated the dinner order for the friend driving in!

3:37 figuring out how to get a box spring to the curb by myself. surprisingly light but oh so bulky!

3:45 laundry laundry when does it end

3:49 making up the guest bedroom! offering catnip to the cat but then her being distracted by the vacuum. pushing away the dog who barks only at the hand vacuum (not the robot one?)

4:02 dog snuggles

4:43 there’s no way I’m doing any more work today goodbye computer

4:43 maybe I’ll take a nap

5:07 what if I rearranged the furniture in the back room…again…

5:46 Mia finds a new perch

6:44 feeding the creatures again!

6:54 watching tv and realizing how little I do in a day…while Oliver stares into my eyes begging for pets

7:47 cat snuggles! a rare occurrence! don’t worry, dog is still snuggled in on the other side

7:55 calling my partner to check in and show off cat snuggles

8:18 helping my friend find parking! dinner has arrived!

8:30 finally home! tossing the food in the microwave! eating way too much while watching updates on the hurricane

9:36 sleep is imminent. also Oliver has lost all brain function. no thoughts just tongue.

9:54 in bed for nighttime tiktoks and then sleep sleep sleep. gnight Philly!

Megan is a 25 year old transplant from Arkansas taking it day by day. She can most frequently be found watching tv when there are no emails to answer, eating pasta, or talking to her pets like they’ll respond. You can find her anywhere social media is sold at @InTheHaase.


September 27 Photo Compilation


Em Indelicato