Molly Gross
I’m typing on my iphone with my cat Momo trying to use the corner of it as a scratch pad. Now she is standing on my laptop lap table, a gift from my husband Craig. I love it for when I have ideas to jot down and I’m far from my desk.
Craig and I moved to Philadelphia a little over two years ago from Ditmas Park, Brooklyn, where we lived for over 14 years. And prior to meeting Craig, I lived in Fort Greene, so I was in New York for 20 years.
This Saturday is unusual for me as I often have plans. But not today, which is a good thing. In 2024 I want to make more space for my inner life and creative work. I’m extroverted and place lots of energy into being out and about and gathering people together. Now I want to make more space for contemplation, writing, and making.
Photo: Molly Gross, Sorry has No One Shape, assemblage, November 2023
My creative work currently centers around poetry, memoir, assembling objects and words/phrases.
Possible projects for today:
-finally try to re-wick a beloved candle for the first time. I now have all the tools I need based on these directions
-clean my office / studio
-consider an outing with Craig. Maybe some where we haven’t been before
-upgrade my Mac’s operating system (in the works now)
-plan some dinner invites to our home
-plan some fun gatherings
-work on my creative goals and projects
I have re-wicked a candle. I think. Proof will come when the wax has hardened.
Now I’m looking over a poetry chapbook that’s been in the works for a while. Every few years I publish one, so I’d like to print one in 2024. First step is figuring out where to do so in Philadelphia.
Just added a short poem:
sometimes a cloud and then a steel ball --
silky, sly, we all want,
to be seen, spearing,
meaning with each eyelash --
pierced, I stutter, into ways of being.
I’m thinking a lot about how to conserve and direct my energy towards my creativity. Often I don’t prioritize and then am too depleted to focus.
As I redirect myself, I’m looking at projects that I haven’t worked on for over a year. For example, rm144.wordpress where I had been writing memoir posts and reading them aloud, then uploading the recording to Soundcloud. I’d like to reactivate this project, which it feels pertinent now at the start of 2024. [The photo on the left is me in Berlin, 1989, from this series, which I might call “The Book of Sounding”.]
Craig and I are sitting on the couch listening to guitar music and covered in wool blankets as it’s cold in this area of our home. We are pondering an outing to Doylestown and the Michener Museum. He is researching the area and found a tasty looking empanadas spot. We are trying to check out new areas in and around Philadelphia.
Last night we had a “mystery date” that I gave Craig for the holidays. It was to see the Philadelphia Philharmonic for the first time. I loved the Kimmel Center hall and vibe. The event was in celebration of Lunar New Year and highlighted several Asian classical musicians.
While eating scrumptious shakshuka, we decided to head to Doylestown
L to R: Craig and I heading out for the day
On the road, we are talking about travel plans for the year that include family visits to Maine, Miami, and Santa Fe. Luckily our folks live in interesting places. Also had a fun phone-on-the-road check in with my friend and colleague Ryan (Strand Greenberg) on all things arts and Philadelphia. I continue to be aware of how connected everyone is here. When I first arrived here in November 2021, my friend Ksenia Nouril, who was the Print Center curator, kindly and enthusiastically connected me with so many generous arts activators here, including Ryan. The next thing I knew, Ryan and I were collaborating on Heart on Your Sleeve and now he and I work at the Academy of Natural Sciences, bringing arts and poetry, and film and and to this incredible science institution. Viva La Collaboration!
L to R: Ryan Strand Greenberg, Jonai Gibson-Selix (designer), and Molly Gross
Went to the Michener museum and appreciated the Lenape exhibit, especially the painter Joe Baker.
Joe Baker, Stomp Dance, 1997
Ate a yummy BLT sandwich and am ready to meander around Doylestown. Excited to go to the bookshop. I love books so much. Books books books.
9 pm. The rest of the day was chill with us going grocery shopping on the drive back to Philadelphia, eating dinner and watching a movie.
Molly Gross is an artist, poet, and cultural producer who is passionate about everyone having access to the arts, in all its forms. You can see her shenanigans on Instagram @mollybgross