
Saturday night/ Sunday morning from midnight on goes like:

I’m at Ortleibs with Nina and Liv and Raph and Kenny, it’s Karaoke night and someone who I don’t know’s birthday. Raph and I get pickle backs when everyone else is out smoking and we’re both like fuck this is so good why does anyone ever not do this. We put our names down to sing “Creep” and “Loser” respectively which is funny to me but I leave before I get called.

I Uber to Nick’s a bit after 1. We practice karaoke to make up for my missed opportunity, which is when you do YouTube karaoke on the computer. We watch succession and fall asleep around 4.


Wake up at 11 with a sore throat and the feeling of a weird dream but no concrete memory, back to sleep.

Wake up a little before 1, wake up Nick, because he told me to last night. He told me to hit him if I needed to but I don’t.

We walk to get coffee at the place he goes every day. We leave and argue about whether or not the barista had a mohawk, agree that one of us is crazy but it doesn’t matter who. We walk down the river to a deli to get sandwiches to eat at the park. I fuck up my order a bit but I try to be chill about it.

A little after 3 we get to Ritt and we run into Pablo, who’s always everywhere and now he’s here. We talk a bit and joke with him that maybe everyone’s life is just a part of his dream or something. We relocate to a dry spot in the grass to eat. We were planning to go see the new Alien movie later, but at 3:30 Nat texts Nick if we want to see the new beatlejuice so we agree to do that instead. Nat used to work at the movie theater so we can go there for free.

We have a few hours to kill before the movie so we stop at a bar for a drink. The hostess asks us which match we’re here to see, and we look at her blankly so she sends us upstairs which is apparently the tennis section.

At 5 we walk back to Nick’s to rest for a sec before the movie. On the walk I try to make a joke to Nick referencing a TikTok, but it gets all convoluted because he doesn’t know what it means when you say someone “ate that”. Spend a long time explaining, the original joke isn’t funny anymore but I can’t stop laughing at the whole thing. At Nick’s we watch a video that just got posted of Nick’s band’s performance from the other night. It looks good and he seems happy with it.

We meet up with our friends at Khyber and get a drink before the movie. At 8 we go into the movie. I can tell I’m gonna like it from the credits which are long and exciting. We all agree that it was better than expected. I have misgivings about Jenna Ortega’s whole deal and position as like the default goth girl of the moment, because she doesn’t really seem that weird especially compared to a genuine freak like Winona Ryder, I think she mainly just has brown hair and deadpan eyes, which I guess is confusing for some people. Besides that its very fun and good.

We get a drink after the movie, it’s 10:20 now. We go to a place Nat said he threw up all over the bar at, but he assures us the owner loves him and wants him to come back. I get a big beer and Nick gets two citywides, which at this place come with little cubes of cheese, which Nick gives to me. I make the same joke twice about feeling like I’m getting a little reward for my boyfriend’s drinking habit.

Nick and I head home a bit before midnight.

Olivia is an educator and podcaster. You can find her podcast, Apocalypse Wow! on all streaming platforms and on instagram @apocalypsewowpod.




Allayna Nofs