
4:35am I toss and turn after my foster kitten, Starburst, decides to project her three-pound body across my bedroom and pounce on my feet. She was found crying with a broken leg earlier this summer and went through extensive surgery in early July and subsequent physical therapy to regain her mobility. I put her in the office, where her toys, food, and litter box are. I'm eventually able to drift back to sleep. 

8:17am I wake up, having just dreamt that my boyfriend and I were on a trip somewhere in Scandinavia. It could've been Norway or Denmark, really anywhere with salty licorice. Travels often permeate my dreams and feature places I've been or want to go. Once I rouse myself out of bed, I work on a sewing project, the crosstown crescent bag. I'm using a faux white leather for the outer portion which is thick as hell and difficult to sew, but I manage to finish it. I start work on my laptop from the dining room table and mindlessly send emails for a few hours until I reach a good stopping point. 

11:25am Still working through the late-morning haze, I get an email with film scans from photos I took earlier this summer. The Hudson Valley looks almost too idyllic on film and leaves me with a sense of longing for bodies of water that are cleaner than the Wissahickon (we love her, she's just a bit dirty).

2:00pm I have therapy for 45 minutes, a Friday ritual of sorts. 

5:56pm I grab a quick bite to eat in Fairmount after running errands and head back to South Philly. 

8:47pm My boyfriend & I head to a house party in Point Breeze for a friend, Autumn, who is about to live abroad for the next year. It's a sweet gathering filled with people who are kind and eager to chat. I discuss sewing clothes with a fellow sewist who I've just met and head out with Matt around 10:15pm.

10:45pm We arrive at Ulana's, which is an event-only bar/venue 70s time capsule in Queen Village. It's a birthday party for three Leos, two of whom I know. I eat cake, dance a bit, sit on the couch in the lounge, dance a little more, and intermittently catch up with friends I haven't seen in a while. I didn't take many photos, but my friend shows us their new back piece which is nearly finished. 

1:37am bedtime is sacred and precious!

@paige.pic enjoys sewing, making jewelry in her basement with a propane oxygen torch, and rescuing stray cats. She loves rainier cherries, castelvetrano olives, and linen.



