
A note dear reader: This is not representative of my average day in
Philly! I happened to be in Brigantine with my family this weekend
because they rented an apartment for August.

8:50 am - Wake up and check my phone then lay back down because I'm
tired but I end up staring at my phone until I get up again.
9:30 am - Finally get out of bed and start packing my bag to go back
to Philly! I'm excited to go home, it's nice to get away to the shore
but I miss my partner and our cats.
9:47 am - I pour a cup of coffee and grab my Chobani flip (almond coco
loco flavor). I go outside to the back deck to enjoy my little
breakfast. My mom is freaked out by yogurt and the smell makes her
nauseous so I have to banish myself to the outside so as to not bother
10:40 am - Leave the house to walk a few blocks to the seawall. On my
walk I see a cybertruck... It's the second I've seen in 2 days and I
hate them.
11:00 am - I reach the end of the walkway along the seawall. Past this
the drive-on beach begins. I decide to start walking along the beach
because I've never been over here before.
Things of note: The water is cold but it feels good, a golden
retriever runs up to me, a wave causes a man's fishing gear to float
away but I catch it, three little black dogs are running around and
they're soaking wet so they look like little freaks.
11:10 am - A man on a paddle board comes back to shore and asks me if
I wanna try - I think he was joking but I'm not totally sure so I
don't know how to reply. I'm not dressed for it though so I just say
that it seems kinda scary.

Unfortunately he was dead :-(

12:30 pm - I meet my mom and her best friend on the normal beach area.
I wasn't planning on coming to the beach forreal today but it's pretty
hot out. I brought alcoholic topo chico too.

12:50 pm - I dropped a sunblock spray can into my cup and it spilled
topo chico all over the sand and got sand in my cup.... I did drink
the rest anyway.
2:50 pm - There's a silver star-shaped balloon floating in the ocean.
It floats closer to shore so I grab it and throw it away.

3:00 pm - We pack up and walk home to get ready to head back to
Philly! Back at the house I find that my Poppop came down to just hang
3:30 pm - Got changed and packed the rest of my stuff then eat an
uncrustable and a cheese stick.
3:50 pm - My phone is dying so I can't use it on the drive home but my
Poppop offers to drive me home in his new car.
4:30 pm - FINALLY hit the road in the red Lexus convertible. My phone
dies like 5 minutes into the ride.
6:05 pm - Arrive back at my house!!!!! Happy to be home and charge my
phone and lay on my couch!!
6:30 pm - I give my cats a Churu for the first time - Boingo and Gerri
are huge fans but Oingo wouldn't even try it.

Sorry no Oingo photo because he wouldn't stay still or try the Churu.

7:00 pm - Was planning to cook dinner but I have no energy so we order burritos.
7:30 pm - Put on the movie Prey (I've never seen it but Andrew has)
and devour my burrito.
8:00 pm - I realize I got sunburnt :-(
9:00 pm - The movie ends! It was decent, I translated all the French
lines for Andrew. I unpack and then cover myself in aloe like a slug.
10:30 pm - I realize I've been just rotting on the couch for an hour
so I go up to bed! Gerri steals my spot in bed like every night so I
have to move her before I can sleep.

Sommer is a Philly native who lives in South Philly with their partner Andrew and 3 cats Oingo, Boingo, and Gerri. They work for Disability Pride Pennsylvania helping run social media and also babysit during the week. They’re currently entering their final semester at CCP before transferring to Temple to finish their bachelors in anthropology! You can find them on Instagram @sommahh_ and follow their posts @disabilitypridepa


Ted Rees

