
It’s Saturday. 

6:30AM - I wake up sandwiched between my dog and my partner. 

Morning kisses.

Morning hugs.

It’s raining. 

I’ve been trying a new thing where I keep my phone charging downstairs, away from my bedroom at night. It’s been going well. 

Teeth brushed. Other stuff. Clothes on. Coffee made. 

Toast with butter and a handful of blueberries.

7AM - My partner and I touch base about finishing a garage roof we have been building this past week for a couple in the neighborhood. He’ll be going at it alone today because I will be going out with comrades to petition.

With any project my partner and I do, there is always a healthy dose of critique so that we can improve our strategies and execution — it’s been cool to see the progress we have made throughout the years, not just in developing skills, but harmonizing our communication. It’s not easy work, but fulfilling work. I'm very grateful. 

8AM - We’d usually walk with our pup after breakfast, but she absolutely can’t stand the rain, so I do my best to get her to go out in the backyard before my partner and I are out for the day. 

My partner takes off a little before 9AM. 

Around 9:30AM I am out the door and getting into my comrades car to pick up another comrade. 

It’s still raining. 

We are heading to Lancaster determined to get signatures from people attending the Zenkaikon – Anime & Sci-Fi Convention. I’m looking forward to getting out of the city for a bit, to witness all the creativity, but most of all - I am excited to support Claudia & Karina who are running for President and Vice President with the Party for Socialism and Liberation!

It’s time we build a real democracy that meets the needs of the people, not profit. It’s time we have actual opportunities to choose leaders that represent working class people. It’s time we stop prioritizing imperialism’s obsession with war, genocide, and settler colonial violence and start honoring the health and liberation of ALL people and earth. It’s time to evolve our collective consciousness and END CAPITALISM BEFORE IT ENDS US

11PM - The drive there is filled with conversation, vulnerability, laughter. A stop at Wawa for trash snacks and drinks. It’s funny - no matter where I am or go - I have at least three drinks - this afternoon, it’s water, coffee and an energy drink, none of which I completely drink, just continue to trade off in rotation. I know I am not alone with this habit. Speaking of drinking, I am almost a year sober :)

It’s still raining. 

12:30PM - Once we arrive, we immediately notice all the amazing costumes and proceed to the convention center – this was my first time petitioning and let's just say I have room to improve, but no one gets better at anything without mistakes and practice, awkwardness and imperfection. I’m here for it. 

It was a mixed crowd of attitudes and we had interesting engagements that empowered us to continue until we had to leave. I very much appreciate the kindness and compassion we found amongst the moving crowds and despite a few who were either antagonistic, nihilistic or just straight up rude - we got signatures, we shared information, we learned from the experience. 

While we were petitioning, a few blocks away - there was a bomb threat - a common tactic utilized by cowards who externalize their self-hate onto others - there are other ways to describe this, which you can find on google, but this is how I see it. The bomb threat was weaponized to prevent the Drag Queen Reading event that was supposed to happen at the Public Library. I’m glad no one was physically harmed, but the psychological warfare of hatred is detrimental to us all. 

When is enough, enough? What violence will be violent enough for change? 

The United States is funding Israel’s genocide on the Palestinians (on going for the last 75 years and 7 months now) – the United States government enables fascist police/military violence world wide and far-right domestic terrorist acts such as this bomb threat without accountability and blaming the people.

We could be using our tax dollars to improve education, healthcare, public spaces, community care, but we aren’t. None of us have affordable healthcare, millions of us are in debt, while more and more of us are pushed into poverty and homelessness every day, even working multiple jobs and doing all the “right” things. We are all forced into this indoctrination of false scarcity when in reality there is tremendous surplus that we just completely waste. Capitalism is truly absurd and how it lives in people is very dangerous.

Not a day goes by that doesn’t remind me that there is no better time to be working with and for the people and our liberation from white supremist capitalist patriarchy and all its abuse, gaslighting, blame-shifting, scapegoating, manipulations and lies. 

It’s still raining. 

2:30PM - Comrades and I decide it’s time to head back to Philly – the car ride home is filled with story-telling, music, and laughs. 

I can’t stop thinking about how I could be better at approaching people during petitioning. I never thought this would be a skill I would ever be developing. 

It feels like finding an interesting balance of not wanting to bother people and also, being very passionate about sharing the many opportunities that come with learning about Claudia & Karina, not just them as presidential candidates, as leaders, as people, but the party they represent, a party where every member is a leader developing and determining themselves beyond the oppression and dehumanization of capitalism and with liberation and justice for all. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE! 

It’s still raining.

Almost 4PM - we’re back in Philly. 

I was hoping to make it to a book signing at Harriett’s Bookshop at 6PM but I am fading, especially after I walk through the front door and see my pup. 

The event is with the author of Black Women Taught Us, Dr. Jenn M. Jackson in conversation with artist/writer, Joel Leon. I’m a little bummed to miss the event, but “you’re not missing out on anything when you’re taking care of yourself”. Anyway, I definitely recommend this book, I very much enjoyed listening to it as an audiobook, which is read by the author. 

6PM - My partner gets home, we talk, we lounge, we shower. It’s cozy time!

I play fetch with my dog inside, we make a ton of noise that I am sure sounds disturbing to my neighbors, but my girl needs some movement after being stuck inside all day. 

7PM - Dinner : fried tofu with a fresh cabbage salad with carrots, green onions, almonds and a delicious sesame dressing. 

7:30PM - I catch up on reading and studying for the National Liberation & Marxism class I am taking through The People’s Forum.

9:00PM - We end up watching The Revenant, it was my first time seeing it. Maybe not the best movie to watch before bed, but not a bad movie. 

12AM - this is late for me, it’s time for bed.

Night hugs.

Night kisses. 



It’s still raining. 

A Kanaka Maoli (Hawaiian) living on Lenni Lenape Land (Philadelphia)



