David U.

I’ve been struggling to figure out how to recount and describe my day in Philadelphia.

March 27, 2024.

A lot of days have been blurring into one another recently. This one didn’t feel too particularly different. This project had been on my mind but I tried to shove it in the back of my mind so it didn’t affect what would’ve otherwise happened naturally.

I woke up around 10 am as I usually do on my days off from my “day job”, working at a grocery store. Waking up later than 9am feels wrong to me. I fell off my circadian rhythm earlier in the year and haven’t really been able to get back.

Took my multivitamins, brushed my teeth, put on deodorant and went downstairs. I made pancakes. My girlfriend likes them and I never cared to take the time to make breakfast usually. Now I do it almost every morning. It’s nice.

She has a doctor's appointment. I need to take my friend to the airport. The timing works out perfectly. We go to south Philadelphia. Got a text. It keeps getting delayed. I don’t need to do that anymore. I stop at Target to get some stuff for the house. It’s back on time. Okay, I'll take you to the airport. I love being able to help my friends out. We have a good conversation. That’s cool.

Got a text from a friend saying it’s wing and trivia night, which I totally forgot about. Good timing. She is going to work in a few hours. I hit up my friend Tom who I don’t get to see very often to go, and he says yes. Another good conversation in the car.

I drive to Marlton, New Jersey. The Chicken or the Egg. The wings sucked and we got second place in trivia. It was fun.

I’m really tired by the time I drop Tom off and get home. I take a shower, crawl into bed and do some puzzles on my phone and look at X formerly known as Twitter. This day felt the same as all the others. I don’t think it’s particularly bad, but it’s real.

David is a person who enjoys things and likes to chill. His band is @jesuspiecehc and his instagram is @david.updike.



