
March 26th was a day where the theme “it could always be worse” applied heavily 

1am I was going home after a drink and the only food open close to me was Pat’s and Geno’s. I missed insomnia cookies by 20 minutes but for $5 and a smile, they let me slide. It could always be worse.

The next morning, I came outside to realize someone had stolen my battery off of my electric bike, but I came back later to the same street and saw a car flipped over. It could always be worse 🤷🏽‍♂️

After realizing this, I rode my now non-electric bike to sign a lease for a house and get the keys (I spent the night at the studio because this process had already been delayed) only to realize there were issues with the house and still wasn’t ready for move-in. Luckily, the studio couch still has my name on it. It could always be worse. 

While I was walking to the store to barter for a new battery, I was riding one bike while maneuvering the other one and failing at it after 7 blocks before I ran into a displaced man who told me his story and how he came to live on the streets. After hearing his story, I came to the conclusion that it can truly always be worse.

I was able to get a new battery for my bike with no cash down, but it took giving the man at the store my old bike which may or may not have been worth more than the battery. Who knows though. It could always be worse. 

I planned to be extremely productive with my day, make strides with my music and other professional stuff, and etc but instead wound up going on a wild goose chase to get my bike operational again. It wasn’t the worst day I ever had but was exceedingly annoying and time consuming.

I walked away from it, still with a profound sense of gratitude that many of my problems are so minuscule that they can be solved in the span of a day, while some people have problems that take them years, decades, and even lifetimes to grapple with. While obviously, we all got stuff in our lives at varying levels of complexity and severity, I think we can always find something to be grateful for and appreciate the small things we DO have that make our lives possible. That’s not to say we can’t mourn our losses, failures, and hardships but in order to help ourselves create a life worth living, we have to remind ourselves that gratitude is the only way out. It could always be worse 🥂

GXLDmine is ya new favorite rapper. When he’s not serenading your IG crush he’s probably rescuing lost puppies or bench pressing. Join his cult @gxldminded


David U.


Erin Moran