12 am: It’s midnight. I spent my whole weekend preparing for and throwing a Bastille Day party. The party turned out to be a success! I have so many leftovers. I need to be up in 7 and a half hours. I need to go to sleep.

I spiral for an hour and a half. I need to go to sleep. 

1:41 text to my bf: “Ok I am attempting sleep 💋”

I fall asleep within the next half hour. 

7:30 am: Wake up time! I feel like shit. Do I have to go in to work today? 

8:00 am: The bus leaves in 17 minutes, I have to get out of bed. 

8:17 am: I’m up! I’m getting dressed. No way I’m making this bus. I don’t feel like catching the next one. I have to get a matcha before I go in or I’ll be a zombie. Why is it already so hot outside? 

Uber picks me up at 8:25. I make a stop at Cafe Walnut before work, A is saving my life with this matcha, and she doesn’t even know. I’m coming up with some banger ideas that I send the group chat…no one replies within 30 seconds(screenshot taken later). 

9:02 am: I’m late to work. Whatever, it’s a Monday, it’s not like it’ll be that busy right? 

I stop to smell the flowers in the garden on the way to the hospital. I’m late, I might as well enjoy it.

9:34 text to my coworker: “I just took my patient to the wrong pre-op on the wrong floor…” First task of the day failed LOL. Matcha still hasn’t kicked in yet.

Work is insane. Of course. Matcha kicks in, I’m a little bit more human. One of my patients starts dismantling my wheelchair while we wait for their ride… I’m not 100% sure how to put it back together (or why they did it, for that matter). 

5:30 pm: Clock out. My legs hurt. It’s too hot for me to take an Indego right now. $10 uber to my friends house (at rush hour in center city? STEAL.). 

I spend a few hours with my friend, they’re on bed rest recovering from a major surgery. I’m not so tired when I’m with them, that feels really nice :) I crochet, they weave, we watch a few episodes of Sex and the City, we get bored watching Barry Keoghan on Hot Ones, they put on Couples Therapy and I try to keep up. I’m starting to fade a little. 

9:30 pm: I’m gonna head home. I forgot to feed my fish, and I still need to get out of these nasty scrubs. Why is it still so goddamn hot outside? 

10 pm: Home, changed, showered, time to wait for E to get home. I cuddle with the cats and try to stay up. 

11 pm: He’s home!!! We put on Desperate Housewives, I’m asleep by the end of the 2nd episode :) 

K is a former chef turned EMT living in south Philly. You can find them in the park with friends having picnics and crafting parties, or at @creating_enjoyer on Instagram :)


Sonny Scarpa

