
7:44 In the car with my sister and boyfriend on the way to my mom’s house in New Jersey. Very sleepy. Not the ideal time of morning for me but I don’t have a car so I kinda rely on my sisters to cart me around for occasions like these. It smelled really weird outside today. 

9:06 Making some breakfast for my family. Bless her heart but my mom really doesn’t like to cook. Usually on holidays whatever kid comes home first has to make everyone food. I love cooking in her kitchen though so it’s not a chore for me. 

9:08 I have to pee and I forgot my mom installed a bidet recently. It’s multifunctional and has a setting to keep the toilet seat warm. I guess it sounds nice in theory but it really just feels like someone has been sitting on it a long time. 

10:43 Everyone opened their gifts and had a nice time. I got a new toaster oven/air fryer thing which is perfect because my apartment does NOT have an oven and my old one needed to be retired. A few years ago my mom implemented a Notes App Christmas Wish List system that is cool because we all get what we want but kinda weird because we all know what we’re getting as she checks them off our lists in real time. 

10:56 Smiled to myself when I recognized the Christmas ornament for our long deceased family cat, Princess. Two years after she died, my mom sent me a $10 Starbucks gift card with the message “Merry Christmas From Princess.” Grief is one hell of a drug. RIP Princess.

11:16 I went to visit my neighbor’s farm animals, as is tradition. Brought along some egg nog. My mom got the Pennsylvania Dutch premade cocktail version and it’s delicious but kind of strong. About ready to go home to my beloved Philadelphia.

11:23 Before we leave my mom wants to play with the “Less-Lethal” gun her husband bought her.  Legal in all 50 states. 

12:21 Home sweet home! Time to find a place for all my gifts, shower, eat some lunch…

2:38 Trying to rally before walking my dog  but I feel so tired all of a sudden. 

3:02 Rallied enough to walk my dog but I am suffering. I don’t know what sickness has  befallen me but I’m feeling horrible….Am I hungover off of one glass of egg nog? It’s hilarious how many parking spots there are in South Philadelphia today. 

3:47 Home from our walk and definitely skipping a trip to the movies. We were going to see Babygirl today and Nosferatu tomorrow but I guess we’ll do a double feature instead. 

5:10 I just laid down for an hour and I feel alive again. My boyfriend put on the Sixers game against the Celtics. I don’t know why he’s doing that to himself on Christmas. 

6:58 Wow the Sixers won! My bad for being a Grinch. Time to pick a movie to watch. I want a medieval vibe but he’s probably gonna wanna watch something Christmas-y. 

7:48 We finally made a choice… The Fireman’s Ball! He’s really been into Czech stuff lately. I saw Murdering the Devil at Lightbox Film Center last week so I was happy to watch another movie from that time and place. 

9:33 A great time! I’m beat, goodnight! 



