7:30 am - i get out of bed and prepare myself a cappuccino. my espresso machine is probably my favorite thing i own - it is truly glorious to be able to have a cup full of caffeine within 3 minutes of rolling out of bed. i enjoy my caffeine in silence with The Cat while i get my scrolling done for the day.
8:30 - 5:30 are spent putting out IT fires, navigating overly complex bureaucratic processes that come with working for a quasi-governmental agency, being frustrated with the general lack of common sense and technological literacy of boomers/ most people, and the complete inability to use fucking google.
please try turning it off and turning it back on for your cantankerous IT departments sake.
breaks during this time period included breakfast & lunch, and countless fiddlings with The Cat.
6ish - i bike over to loco pez in graduate hospital where my boyfriend is finishing up schmoozing with a potential client. it is bitterly cold but very enjoyable to see that the sun is beginning to set later in philadelphia. i order a very mid margarita with a cinnamon sugar rim job at the bar and overhear some poor fellow interviewing for a bartender position. he has a digital resume as graphic design is his passion and no experience bartending. i suspect he did not get the job.
7:30 - i convince my boyfriend to not order the nachos so we can head home and make dinner with our brand new air fryer and our ludicrous amount of groceries. we made chicken and asparagus & a salad. The Cat enjoyed some chicken as well.
8:30 - we are rewatching schitts creek as it’s a wonderful show. we make it through a few episodes and debate which characters we resonate most with. we top it off with an episode of abbott elementary.
10 – we retire to our separate bedrooms-i am a princess and if the wind blows the wrong way I will sleep poorly and wake up grumpy. after some light scrolling I go to bed.
The Cat
R was born in Philadelphia and raised in the burbs. He now lives with his boyfriend and cat in a row home in Bella Vista.