
I woke up in the suburbs today. With no rowhouses or tall buildings, the sun was unobstructed and it was easier to feel awake than it usual. I love Philadelphia with my whole heart, but mannnn, I do also love a day without the noises of my neighbors. It’s just me, the fam, and the very large bird circling in the distance. The bird makes me think of my cat, Carmela, and I miss her. 

I’m a local news editor, and today one of the reporters on my team put out a story called ‘About 40 million people in the United States don’t have access to a full-service grocery store.’ 

At home in West Philly, other than the expensive co-op, there isn’t a grocery store I can walk to in under 30 minutes. If I need to use a walking aid, it’s all but impossible due to the conditions of the sidewalks. 

This is nothing compared to Kensington, where I spent much of my younger life. I couldn’t get to a grocery store there without a long walk to a long bus ride, paying for an Uber, or trying to find a ride. I don’t have anything original to say about any of this. And it isn’t rare. It just sucks. 

But still. I love you, Philly. I love Philly in the spring, when all of us freaks emerge, the cherry blossoms bloom, the pollen comes down like snow and I’m constantly involuntarily crying. Philly in the spring makes it easier to wait forever for the bus, or to just walk instead of waiting. I love having the windows open, the sounds of ATVs zooming down 52nd Street or Lehigh Ave. or by the Art Museum. The burbs got nothin on you. 

Sabrina is, first and foremost, her cat Carmie's mum. Beyond that, she is just a person with a bad leg and back hobbling through life one iced oat ube matcha at a time. If you're walking around West Philly and hear someone very loudly listening to old school reggaeton, you're likely not far from Sabrina.

Insta: @sabrinaatwork. DM her about what's going on in your community or to discuss why the best almond croissant in the city comes from Four Worlds Bakery.


Eric Hamell
