Today, I realize it's the second day of spring. We've made it!

I wake up to the sound of birds. It's very cloudy out, so I think it's much earlier than it is. I get up around 8:40 and head for the coffee pot: my roommate usually gets up a bit before me, so coffee is already made. Very grateful for that. 

I always start my day with coffee and 20 pages of whatever book I'm reading. Right now, I'm reading War and Peace; it's taking quite a while, haha, but I'm having fun with it.

After reading, I take my coffee to my desk and write. I'm working on a short film script for fun, but I'm unsure if I'll ever make it; it's just a rest exercise between projects. This one would be set in Philly if I ever filmed it.

After writing, I break into my daily at-home yoga practice. Today, I am doing one of my most replayed videos, "Yoga for the Service Industry" by Yoga with Adrian. My feet hurt so fucking hard from bartending all St Patrick's Day weekend. 

Around 11, I realized I parked my car in a 1-hour parking spot last night and ran to move it before going on a walk. I told myself I'd set an alarm to do that this morning, but I forgot. No ticket. I'm getting too lucky at this, but I will take it.

I fit my car into a really tight spot on a tiny street I always park on. A guy driving by gives me a thumbs-up. My parallel parking skills have gotten much better this past year. 

I took a nice little walk after moving my car. The sun comes out, but it's slightly colder than expected. I go to OCF, buy a bagel, and head back to my apartment.

I will write for a while and finish the first draft of my current project. I'm not sure if I like it, but there is always time to rewrite.

Around 3pm, I walk to work at one of the 3 bars I work at. The sun is shining again, and it's a bit nicer out. I hope people come in and I make some money, but we've been open for 20 minutes now, and it's slow. Wednesdays are always a weird day to bartend.

Work picked up, happy hour was busy, and I met some lovely people today. My favorite part of bartending is definitely meeting all types of different people. 

The rest of the work was chill. I have good coworkers, and today was productive. 

I get home, and my roommate is home from play rehearsal. Our schedules are so opposite right now, but we always see each other for a bit when I get home from work. I make a quesadilla because I have no other groceries, and we watch some Modern Family, which is our fixation/comfort show right now.

Overall, it was a regular, productive Wednesday. I'm excited to go to sleep and have a good day tomorrow. Goodnight Philly.

T is a freelance filmmaker and screenwriter based in Fairmount, Philadelphia. T bartends on the side for $$$ as she pursues her art. T loves long walks, late-night conversations with friends, and finding time to be silly in a busy and chaotic world. 



