Erin Moran

7:29 a.m.

I woke up in a bad mood. It was a super busy weekend and I didn’t have time to reset, the eclipse is kicking my ass, it’s going to be a crazy work week, and I have to deal with a maintenance issue after a major leak during Saturday’s storm. So while I typically try to either read or exercise in the mornings, today I hit snooze until my cat Gelatoni made it clear that was no longer an option, and then I did my Duolingo lesson before getting ready for the day.

8:44 a.m.

I walk to work every morning from Southwark to Rittenhouse, and lately I’ve been trying to switch up my routes to see which trees and early flowers are blooming. I love spring! I responded to a few pen pal letters over the weekend, so I dropped them in the mail on my way.

9:19 a.m. 

Got to work! Felt anxious about emails but they weren’t so bad. Water, coffee, banana.

9:58 a.m. 

Texted my landlord’s handyman about the leak. My landlord passed away a few months ago and I’m not exactly sure who owns our house right now….so I’m also not sure who we should ask about this.

2 p.m. 

Had a sad desk lunch at work! Feeling lazy today and not up for an afternoon walk. Lots to do in the last few hours of my day. 

5:34 p.m. 

Time to go home!! And it’s not super cold!

6:09 p.m. 

Home! Gelatoni greeted me at the door. I chatted with my mom on my walk. The sun perked me up a little bit, but I’m still feeling a chill night in.

6:26 p.m. 

Realized I was supposed to stop at the drug store to pick up my prescription and I forgot lol. So back out I go! Lots of blossoms to see, though.

6:36 p.m. 

Got the goods!! Including new face wash which I needed, and Sour Patch Kids which I definitely did not need.

8:47 p.m. 

Late dinner because we were lazy!! We made stuffed peppers. I love making this meal because it makes me feel like a '50s housewife on valium. It will likely be one of the last times we use the oven for a big meal like this before the warmer weather. We were so hungry and I forgot to take a photo.

9:56 - 11:02 p.m. 

Trip planning time. My boyfriend and I are visiting Japan next month so we’ve been doing a little bit of trip preparation every day!! Today we reserved some tickets for museums we want to visit, requested a teppanyaki reservation in Kobe, and looked into a luggage storage service.

11:32 p.m. 

Goodnight!! So sleepy, and my allergies are bothering me. Skincare, water, sleep.

Erin Moran is a legal writer by day and unreliable narrator by night. She likes snail mail, her baby cat Gelatoni, and her South Philly garden. Find her on instagram @ernmrn.



