
6:15 am - Good morning! I woke up early for once. There's a nice breeze going through the apartment and my cat Clyde woke me up with some cuddles. I lay in bed for a half hour scrolling on my phone and trying to wake up. 

7 am - I am not a morning person, so my routine is very minimal and rushed as I get out the door. Good news is that I parked my car right outside of my apartment so I don't have to go hunting for my car, yay!!

7:45 am - Luckily it is a boring commute to work and I arrive early. The internet is apparently out, so that gives me plenty of time to settle back into my office after the long holiday weekend. I catch up with my officemate and she tells me about what her adorable infant son did during his first visit to the aquarium and I tell her about meeting my friend's adorable newborn the day before.

While I wait for the internet to return, I make a brief list of items I want to knit for family members this Christmas: socks (done), scarf (need to use leftover skein), gloves (I think I have the right yarn for the pattern I found?). My go-to when I'm bored is planning the next thing I'm going to knit for myself. I scroll through Ravelry on my phone to see what potential patterns to choose from and I have come to the conclusion that I'm going to challenge my knitting skills and do a cable knit sweater!!

9 am - The internet is back (boo) and I begin catching up on emails. A very slow and boring morning but that is ok. Last week we hosted a large event at our site and I feel like the whole office is still recovering from it.

12 pm - For lunch today I brought Trader Joe's Chicken Tikka Masala. I haven't had it in a while and I realize I much prefer the paneer version. Lunch is my time to catch up on personal tasks. I call my dad to check in and see how he's doing. Two months ago he was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, and safe to say a lot of things have been different in my life since then. Both of us aren't great at talking on the phone, but I've found that we've been calling each other a lot more as of late. He doesn't answer the phone so I just send him a quick text asking him how he's doing. 

I'm also supposed to be in wedding planning mode right now, but it's been pretty challenging thinking about the future. I write draft emails to photographers and a florist, but don't send them because I forget which photographers I wanted to reach out to on our shortlist of vendors. All of the vendors are beginning to blur together. 

1 pm - Dad texts me back. He's sitting outside on the patio enjoying the weather. Apparently he's not in much pain today and has only taken one oxycodone. 

3 pm - Today we have a staff training on compassion fatigue. The presenter has the softest voice and the training eventually becomes a group meditation. After 45 minutes of that, I want to take a nap.

5 pm - There's a lot of traffic getting home and I worry that I'm not going to make it home for my telehealth appointment with my psychiatrist. She calls me just as I begin parking and I decide to take the call in my car. The call is regarding a new depression med I'm taking. I let her know it's working (yay) and there are minimal side effects (yay!!!). I've been seeing her for about two years now and we have become comfortable with each other. She asks about my wedding planning and I give her a generic response. I ask about her upcoming wedding in October and she sounds stressed. 

I get to my apartment where my fiancĂ© Nick has just finished his last meeting. We catch up on each other's day and talk about our plans for the night. I do some vegging out on the couch before we head to the gym. 

6 pm - Nick and I walk to the gym and run into one of our friends Gabby. We have a quick hello and tell her we're on our way to the gym. I'm sure I'll see her at some point during the weekend! Nick goes off to do some cycling and I go find my friend Magali. We've both been busy over the holiday weekend so we agreed to catch up at the gym. The gym is crowded and it's hard to find a good area to warm up in, so we decided to just do the treadmill. 

7 pm - Nick and I were supposed to have a DND game tonight, but two of the people were busy, so we decided to bag it. I'm kind of happy that it got canceled because I'm exhausted at this point and ready to have a chill night. Nick makes a yummy gnocchi dish while I go through my pile of mail. We watch some YouTube videos during dinner and then watch the new episode of Make Some Noise. I spend the night knitting and watching Nick play Elden Ring. I'm almost halfway through knitting a scarf with some yarn that I got last week in my monthly yarn club. 

9:45 pm - I have my little sweet treat before bed and I get ready to shower. Clyde has been enjoying the breeze coming through our front windows and has been sniffing our screens all night. I smell tar from outside so I wonder what it might be from. I'm about to get in the shower when I hear a car backfiring 10+ times outside of our front window. It jerks us all out of what we were doing and Clyde, being blind, runs into a wall. Poor baby.  I ask Nick to comfort him while I have the water running. 

10:30 pm Showered (mental note I need to buy more shampoo this week) and in bed I continue my night routine. I play my silly little games on my phone while a podcast on medieval France lulls me to sleep. 

Sara lives in Fishtown with her fiancé and their cat. She enjoys sleeping in, knitting, and finding new video games to obsess over. You can occasionally find her at a bar being too loud.


Carolyn G

